R'koli Rihll

Hearer of Echoes and Elementals
"I'd like to Belong....everyone has a Somewhere. Right?"

A lass of exceptional gifts, this Echo-blessed Warrior of Hope doesn't quite align to one side or the other. She's just trying to make her way through life as happy and helpful as possible.But what can one Hero do when people don't even understand she's Listening...?

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R'koli Rihll
Race: Seeker of the Sun
Tribe: Raptors
Nicknames: Koli, Melon (Alias used)
Birthdate: 29th Sun of the Second Astral Moon
Guardian: Nymeia, the Spinner

True Class - WHITE MAGE
Melee - REAPER
Ranged - DANCER

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HISTORYBorn to the Nunh and his favored mate, R'koli was the youngest of the litter. Her older sisters raised her, but from the time she was kitten there were concerns. It was clear that she was...odd.R'koli talked to voices no one else heard. She would chatter away, happy, and explained it as "Spirits" of the world around her. She'd talk like it was the water, or the wind, or even the sands speaking to her. This was odd enough, but then the child began to speak of things none should know. Secrets of the tribe members. Events long before her time, or out of her eyesight and earshot. R'koli knew what she should not.

This was much too odd for her tribe, and she was effectively shunned. She didn't mind too much, but the loneliness would get to her often. An unfortunate situation lead to her being alone in the sands at night when she was almost full grown, and the kitten was kidnapped by slavers. However, while she learned to dance under these pirates, and neared her Selling Date, her Hearing again came to her aid, and she escaped, stealing a Chocobo and following the call of her beloved Spirits.Ending up in the Twelveswood, the young Miqo'te lived on her own before a wandering Conjurer stumbled on her. Not only was her latent magical talent recognized, so was her exceptional Hearing - her Spirits were what the Gridanians refer to as Elementals. She was immediately brought into the guild and trained, though she prefers to not live among the strict healers. She instead took to wandering, and working with O-App-Pesi's Odin Research Team.

It was good...until it went wrong. A battle where the team ignored her cries of the Woods being frightened, lead to the loss of all but three of her team - herself, and two others left unable to battle. The research paused, dissolved, and Koli was left alone. The Battle of Carteneau had taken place as they fought with Odin - she was gifted by the Falling Stars. She was Echo-blessed.As the Shroud tried to repair what they could, R'koli took a fledgling healer under her wing - Poki'a Polaali. The boy proved strong, stronger than most she had ever known, and despite being close in age, she felt as a big sister might to her younger brother. She encouraged him to seek training with his Summoning prowess, even if it meant she had to find new purpose again. She tried to track what problems she could, make use of this new skill she found she had - the Echo - to find new life.This lead to her meeting K'bor Tia - a refugee of Garlean conscription turned sellsword mage. The overactive, loud, brash cat caught her heart, and the two were fast friends. She supported him through betrayal of fiance; he helped her through grief and illness. And during a Valentione's Celebration, she worked her nerve up to bare her heart to him.She is still ever so delighted he said yes.

Having made many friends, Koli has struggled with many challenges. She's fought beings not of this Star, both here and on the First when she was lost in the tide of aether. She's supported the Warrior of Light, Poki'a Polaali - her beloved trainee, now the Hero of the Star - in his work to save the First, along with her team that fell into the First. She's gone to the ends of the universe to support Poki'a, and now is faced with finding a new future.Koli and Bor have joined with close friends to recreate the Odin Research team and readdress the problem plaguing the Shroud. Now the ODIN RESEARCH CORPS, Koli leads her team towards understanding the most enigmatic of primals - and perhaps doing good by the Star she's loved for so long.

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HEALING HEARERKoli is a Hearer - she can hear and understand the Elementals of the world around her. Unlike most Hearers, she was born outside the Shroud; she is gifted in that she can Hear Elementals from all ways of life. She refers to them as her "Spirits" - and if you're lucky, she may manifest one for you to meet!ODIN RESEARCH CORPS HEADR'koli is the Head of the Odin Research Corps - a collective of individuals dedicated to studying, fighting, and stopping the creation of the Primals, with a heavy focus on studying the primal Odin. Strange creature that does not require prayer, this Primal torments the Shroud everlong. Koli is determined to figure out how to stop it, if she can...R TRIBEKoli was once a child of the Raptors from the Sands of Xelphatol. She has fond memories of her parents and sisters, but was ostracized by many and eventually kidnapped from there. She does not wish to return, but you are free to ask her of the Raptors.ECHO-BLESSEDKoli survived the Calamity - falling stars blessed her with the Echo, an ability that allowed her to survive the great loss of the Odin Research Team. She is determined to use it to stop bad things from happening. If you have need of her....merely ask.

Often found together, tails tangled as they work. Bor's temper is balanced well by Koli's calm, and Koli's caution is tempered by Bor's rashness. Together, they are nigh on unstoppable.
Bor is very important to Koli, and she will do nearly anything for him.

Friend, Fellow Healer
Gentle is a young Vieran man R'koli helped settled into Eorzea. She works hands on with him for healing a lot, and is very fond of his gentle ways. She isn't so fond of his self-deprication, but well, baby steps.

Friend, Support
Tequi is a young Vieran man R'koli helped settled into Eorzea. She is very fond of the Warrior and gleaner, though she is not so fond of his poor coping skills that normally involve drugs or alcohol. She worries about him, but always supports how she can.

The Warrior of Light
Poki'a is her mentee and now somehow the savior of the Star? She adores him and thinks too many take advantage of him. It's been nice to see him so happy with his latchloves, though how he handles polyamory, she'll never understand.

Commander, Friend
A spitfire of a man, this Thavnairian ex-pat is now aiding the Research Corps with his knowledge of fighting and battles. Koli loves to learn from him and his history. His scars tell a story...if only he always used his brain instead of his heart.

Lt Commander, Friend
A wise-firecracker of a Thavnairian woman, this woman started out as Koli's support from beyond a magical barrier. Now united, they make a vitriolic friend set, and try to take care of one another.

Friend, Swordsman
An oft-silent Samurai who aids the Odin Research Corps often. R'koli tries to keep him in tiptop shape. He is very loyal to Momoya Seiji.

Friend, Scholar
An odd, stoic woman from the Ruby Seas. She is a member of the Crimson Door and a contact for the Odin Research Corps. She is very close to Ryuunosuke Ryuketsu, or as she calls him, "Ryuryu".

Teacher, Yandere!Friend?
A strange woman who has taken to teaching R'koli the arts of Dark Knights. She is not fond of Koli's practices of aiding others, and in fact thinks they should just run away elsewhere.
She is rarely seen in the same room as Koli.

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made by *puresilverAg